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(24.12.2024 05:38:12)
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A delivery driver caused a small hiccup in the op [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup website[/url] eration of The Hop onSaturday night, according to a photograph snapped by a witness.Megan Cochran, who lives near Franklin Ogden, took the photograph of a pickup truck with a Wings Over Milwaukeefood delivery sign on the top of it temporarily double-parked and blocking the streetcar tracks.Cochran said a streetcar operator, who could not maneuver around the vehicle, honked The Hop s horn for over five minutes, before the delivery driver finally emerged from a nearby building and moved the vehicle.Grinch Swipes Christmas Decorations From Beaver Dam Park It was rather annoying, Cochran said.She noted she was frustrated about the pickup truck driver, not the operator of the Hop sounding the vehicle s horn. It s not like the streetcar could go around him, Cochran said. Why should drivers be able to park anywhere they want And get away with parking illegally like that In a response to a Facebook message, Wings Over Milwaukee said: This was one of our drivers making an honest mistake. As of today, all of our drivers will be instructed to stay clear of the streetcar track when parking, the business added.Cochran said it s not the first time she s witnessed a double-parked vehicle at least [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley mugs[/url] partially blocking the streetcar tracks near Franklin Ogden in the last month.She noted it s typically drivers pic [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley puodelis[/url] king up riders through Uber or Lyft.Jeff Polenske,Milwaukee s Public WorksCommissioner, said short delays like Sat Hkiv Woman caught on camera stealing money from Uber driver s tip jar
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A delivery driver caused a small hiccup in the op [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup website[/url] eration of The Hop onSaturday night, according to a photograph snapped by a witness.Megan Cochran, who lives near Franklin Ogden, took the photograph of a pickup truck with a Wings Over Milwaukeefood delivery sign on the top of it temporarily double-parked and blocking the streetcar tracks.Cochran said a streetcar operator, who could not maneuver around the vehicle, honked The Hop s horn for over five minutes, before the delivery driver finally emerged from a nearby building and moved the vehicle.Grinch Swipes Christmas Decorations From Beaver Dam Park It was rather annoying, Cochran said.She noted she was frustrated about the pickup truck driver, not the operator of the Hop sounding the vehicle s horn. It s not like the streetcar could go around him, Cochran said. Why should drivers be able to park anywhere they want And get away with parking illegally like that In a response to a Facebook message, Wings Over Milwaukee said: This was one of our drivers making an honest mistake. As of today, all of our drivers will be instructed to stay clear of the streetcar track when parking, the business added.Cochran said it s not the first time she s witnessed a double-parked vehicle at least [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley mugs[/url] partially blocking the streetcar tracks near Franklin Ogden in the last month.She noted it s typically drivers pic [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley puodelis[/url] king up riders through Uber or Lyft.Jeff Polenske,Milwaukee s Public WorksCommissioner, said short delays like Sat Hkiv Woman caught on camera stealing money from Uber driver s tip jar
MILWAUKE -- A new playground is in the works atBuffum and Center under a new program called MKE Plays. The group s goal is to rebuild 14 decaying playgrounds. [url=https://www.cups-stanley.de]stanley cup[/url] The neighborhoods believe it will benefit all.This particular north side playground was burned down Sunday, June 28.The playground is paid for with private and public dollars.Stay in touch anywhere, anytime with news, weather and video -- Download the TODAY S TMJ4 app:Android Appi [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley cup[/url] Phone / iPad A [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley quencher[/url] pp
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(23.12.2024 14:36:20)
Chance Encounters
He went to Vegas for Christmas to forget all about love. Everything changed when a woman sat next to him at the poker table
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When Englishman Francis Chadwick decided to spend Christmas in Las Vegas, his goal was simply to escape everything.
It was 2014. Francis was 34 and in the middle of a divorce.
“I just wanted to get away,” Francis tells CNN Travel today. “Christmas being, obviously, quite a family orientated time of year I didn’t want to be around anything Christmassy. I was like, ‘Where’s the least Christmassy place I could go to?’ Vegas seemed like the place.”
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So while his family and friends were spending evenings enjoying festive drinks, decorating Christmas trees and watching “Love Actually,” Francis packed his bag, leaving his Christmas sweater behind, and headed to the United States.
“I was in Washington, D.C., for a couple of days. I went to Dallas for a few days, watched the Cowboys down there, and then on to Vegas over the Christmas period,” recalls Francis. “And my mindset at the time — I had no interest in women, relationships, anything at — I hadn’t even contemplated a relationship since the separation from my first wife.”
On Christmas Eve 2014, Francis was playing three-card poker at Vegas’ MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, a sweeping, vast gambling palace on the Vegas Strip.
He was pretty absorbed in the game when a woman sat down next to Francis, and he looked up.
The woman smiled widely, introducing herself as Tehzin from Toronto. Then, Tehzin introduced Francis to what seemed like her entire family, who all appeared to be in tow. Subsequently, Tehzin’s sister and brother-in-law sat down at the poker table next to her.
“So, how do we play?” Tehzin asked Francis, smiling again.
Francis didn’t know what to think. All he knew was he was drawn to Tehzin. Slowly, surprising himself, he smiled back. It felt like the first time he’d smiled properly in months.
Francis didn’t — at that point — know the significance of this moment.
“You’ve got me traveling to Vegas from the UK, Tehzin traveling there from Canada… What are the chances that we would actually cross paths at all, let alone everything else that happened next? It’s pretty crazy,” says Francis today.
He went to Vegas for Christmas to forget all about love. Everything changed when a woman sat next to him at the poker table
[url=https://rfpbyj.net ]зеркало вавада[/url]
When Englishman Francis Chadwick decided to spend Christmas in Las Vegas, his goal was simply to escape everything.
It was 2014. Francis was 34 and in the middle of a divorce.
“I just wanted to get away,” Francis tells CNN Travel today. “Christmas being, obviously, quite a family orientated time of year I didn’t want to be around anything Christmassy. I was like, ‘Where’s the least Christmassy place I could go to?’ Vegas seemed like the place.”
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So while his family and friends were spending evenings enjoying festive drinks, decorating Christmas trees and watching “Love Actually,” Francis packed his bag, leaving his Christmas sweater behind, and headed to the United States.
“I was in Washington, D.C., for a couple of days. I went to Dallas for a few days, watched the Cowboys down there, and then on to Vegas over the Christmas period,” recalls Francis. “And my mindset at the time — I had no interest in women, relationships, anything at — I hadn’t even contemplated a relationship since the separation from my first wife.”
On Christmas Eve 2014, Francis was playing three-card poker at Vegas’ MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, a sweeping, vast gambling palace on the Vegas Strip.
He was pretty absorbed in the game when a woman sat down next to Francis, and he looked up.
The woman smiled widely, introducing herself as Tehzin from Toronto. Then, Tehzin introduced Francis to what seemed like her entire family, who all appeared to be in tow. Subsequently, Tehzin’s sister and brother-in-law sat down at the poker table next to her.
“So, how do we play?” Tehzin asked Francis, smiling again.
Francis didn’t know what to think. All he knew was he was drawn to Tehzin. Slowly, surprising himself, he smiled back. It felt like the first time he’d smiled properly in months.
Francis didn’t — at that point — know the significance of this moment.
“You’ve got me traveling to Vegas from the UK, Tehzin traveling there from Canada… What are the chances that we would actually cross paths at all, let alone everything else that happened next? It’s pretty crazy,” says Francis today.
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