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Pobierz za darmo Windows 10 Pro wstepnie aktywowany ISO z preinstalowanym Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus

RandyTer (15.02.2025 20:24:25)
Pobierz za darmo Windows 10 Pro wstepnie aktywowany ISO z preinstalowanym Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus
Windows 10 Professional, najnowszy system operacyjny firmy Microsoft, zostal zaprojektowany, aby zapewnic firmom i profesjonalistom niezbedne narzedzia do produktywnosci i wydajnosci. Ta wersja jest wstepnie aktywowana i zawiera Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus, oferujac solidne i niezawodne rozwiazanie dla uzytkowników biznesowych.

Przeglad Windows 10 Pro + MS Office 2021 Pro Plus:
Windows 10 Professional integruje zaawansowane funkcje z poteznymi narzedziami produktywnosci Office 2021 Professional Plus. Ta kombinacja zapewnia plynny przeplyw pracy i zwiekszone bezpieczenstwo dla wszystkich potrzeb zawodowych.

Kluczowe funkcje:

Zwiekszone bezpieczenstwo:

Windows Hello: Logowanie za pomoca rozpoznawania twarzy lub odcisku palca.
Windows Defender: Ochrona przed zlosliwym oprogramowaniem i innymi zagrozeniami.
Ulepszona wydajnosc:

Szybszy czas uruchamiania i zamykania systemu.
Mozliwosc uruchamiania wielu aplikacji jednoczesnie bez spowolnienia systemu.
Opcje dostosowywania:

Dostosowanie pulpitu i paska zadan.
Przypinanie najczesciej uzywanych aplikacji i plików do latwego dostepu.
Kompatybilnosc z Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus:

Pelna kompatybilnosc z Office 2021, w tym Word, Excel, PowerPoint i inne.
Q: Czy moge zaktualizowac do Windows 10 Professional z wczesniejszej wersji systemu Windows?
A: Tak, mozesz zaktualizowac do Windows 10 Professional z wczesniejszej wersji systemu Windows, kupujac licencje aktualizacji online lub w sklepie detalicznym. Uzyj nosnika instalacyjnego Windows 10, aby zainstalowac system operacyjny na swoim komputerze.

Q: Czy Windows 10 Professional jest dostepny w róznych jezykach?
A: Tak, Windows 10 Professional jest dostepny w wielu jezykach, w tym angielskim, hiszpanskim, francuskim, chinskim i innych. Mozesz wybrac preferowany jezyk podczas procesu instalacji.

Q: Czy Windows 10 Professional jest kompatybilny ze wszystkimi urzadzeniami i oprogramowaniem?
A: Chociaz Windows 10 Professional jest kompatybilny z szeroka gama urzadzen i oprogramowania, warto sprawdzic u producenta lub dewelopera, aby upewnic sie, ze jest zgodny przed zainstalowaniem nowego systemu operacyjnego lub oprogramowania.

Wymagania systemowe:

Procesor: 1 GHz lub szybszy
Pamiec (RAM): 2 GB (32-bit) lub 4 GB (64-bit)
Przestrzen dyskowa: 16 GB (32-bit) lub 20 GB (64-bit) wolnego miejsca na dysku twardym
Karta graficzna: DirectX 9 lub nowszy z sterownikiem WDDM 1.0
Wyswietlacz: Rozdzielczosc ekranu 1024 x 768 lub wyzsza
Windows 10 Professional to solidny i niezawodny system operacyjny, idealny dla firm i profesjonalistów. Dzieki zaawansowanym funkcjom bezpieczenstwa, ulepszonej wydajnosci i kompatybilnosci z Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus, jest to doskonaly wybór dla zwiekszenia produktywnosci i efektywnosci. Pobierz teraz przez linki bezposrednie lub magnet link Torrent, aby doswiadczyc poteznej kombinacji Windows 10 Pro i Office 2021 Professional Plus.
Download: https://techboxes.net/apps/windows-10-pro-office-2021-pre-activated

iSunshare Office Password Genius 3.1.30

Davidviz (15.02.2025 19:59:29)
Free download iSunshare Office Password Genius 3.1.30 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,

iSunshare Office Password Genius Overview

This popular Office password recovery software is designed for users to recover forgotten password for Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Access document.

Features of iSunshare Office Password Genius

Retrieve the forgotten password for Office(Word, Excel, PPT, Access and Outlook) 97/2000/2003/2007 /2010/2013/2016/2019 document.
Smart Recovery Algorithm - rapidly find your lost password.
NVIDIA Cuda and AMD OpenCL GPU acceleration technology - Speed up your password recovery process
Intel and AMD SSE3/SSE4/AVX instructions acceleration.
User-friendly operation: auto save stop point, and support continue at any time.
Its Read-only mode ensures no data damage while recovering the office password.

System Requirements and Technical Details

Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10
Processor: Pentium IV or higher
RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more

Download: https://geexster.com/en/isunshare-office-password-genius

The password for Zip file is: 123

Assassin (2023)

Jamesskepe (15.02.2025 12:11:42)
A man dies as part of an experimental military program. A former black-ops soldier takes his place to find who killed him.

Jesse Atlas
Jesse Atlas
Aaron Wolfe
Andy Allo
Nomzamo Mbatha
Bruce Willis


Antipublic.net - The best database for data leaks

antipublic2026 (15.02.2025 04:27:47)
<b><a href=https://antipublic.net>Antipublic.net</a></b> - The best database for data leaks
Top1 in data: With over 20 billion collected passwords
Top1 in search speed: Allows easy and super fast search of any user or domain.
- Check if any personal account has ever been leaked
- Check if any company, domain has ever been leaked and the scale of the leak (by the number of accounts)
- Can view all passwords in the database at low cost
- Can view passwords in milions of accounts: Netflix, Spottify, Math, Onlyfan, Pornhub, ... including Google, Facebook and countless other websites.

effevacok (15.02.2025 02:54:29)

Ücretsiz Wondershare PDFelement Professional İndir

Kennethlogma (15.02.2025 00:00:22)
ondershare PDFelement Professional, PDF dosyalarını zahmetsizce düzenlemenize olanak tanıyan profesyonel düzeyde bir yazılımdır. Bu çok yönlü araç, PDF belgelerindeki metinleri, görselleri, sayfaları, arka planları, filigranları, başlıkları, üstbilgileri ve altbilgileri düzenlemenizi sağlar. Belge stilini geliştirerek yazı tiplerini düzenleyebilir ve boyutlarını yönetebilirsiniz.

Ayrıca, gelişmiş görüntü düzenleme özellikleriyle PDF belgelerinizdeki görselleri kopyalayabilir, yapıştırabilir, döndürebilir, kırpabilir, çıkarabilir veya ekleyebilirsiniz.

Wondershare PDFelement Professional'ın Temel Özellikleri
PDF Açma ve Okuma: XFA tabanlı PDF formlarını kolayca okuyun ve doldurun.
Gelişmiş Grafik Düzenleme: Döndürme, yansıtma, kırpma gibi grafik tabanlı nesneler üzerinde gelişmiş düzenlemeler yapın.
Gelişmiş OCR Teknolojisi: Daha doğru OCR tanıma ve tablo algılama; sanal sunucularla uyumludur.
Kapsamlı PDF Araçları: PDF oluşturma ve düzenleme için ihtiyacınız olan tüm araçlara erişin.
Çok Dilli Destek: İngilizce, Fransızca, Almanca, İspanyolca, Portekizce, İtalyanca, Japonca, Hollandaca ve Çince dillerini destekler.
Çapraz Platform Uyumluluğu: Windows, Mac, iOS ve Android platformlarında kullanılabilir.
Kullanıcı Dostu Arayüz: Minimalist ama güçlü bir arayüz ile verimli çalışın.
Lisans Yönetimi: Gruplar ve ekipler arasında lisansları sağlama, takip etme ve yönetme esnekliği sunar.
Sistem Gereksinimleri ve Teknik Detaylar
Desteklenen İşletim Sistemleri: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
RAM (Bellek): 2 GB RAM (4 GB önerilir)
Boş Sabit Disk Alanı: 400 MB veya daha fazla
Wondershare PDFelement Professional Nasıl İndirilir ve Kurulur?
İndir: Wondershare PDFelement Professional yükleyicisini edinmek için sağlanan indirme bağlantısına tıklayın.
Kurulum: İndirilen yükleyici dosyasını açın ve ekrandaki talimatları izleyerek kurulumu tamamlayın.
Başlat: Kurulum tamamlandıktan sonra PDFelement Professional’ı başlatın ve PDF belgelerinizi düzenlemeye başlayın.
Wondershare PDFelement Professional, önemli belgelerinizle çalışmayı basitleştiren hepsi bir arada bir PDF çözümüdür. Kapsamlı özellikleri ve kullanıcı dostu arayüzü sayesinde, ofis belgelerinizi hızlı ve etkili bir şekilde dönüştürmek için mükemmel bir araçtır.

ClamWin Antivirus 0.99.4

Anthonyzew (14.02.2025 23:06:09)
Free download ClamWin Antivirus 0.99.4 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,

ClamWin Antivirus Overview

This Free Antivirus is a solid free antivirus program. It is based on ClamAV engine, you can use it as your sole method of protection, but it is well worth having as an extra level of security.

You can get protection from viruses without paying a penny. Turn to ClamWin Free Antivirus, an oddly named program that adheres to the Gnu open-source model. It won't charge you anything for virus protection — not now, not a year from now.

You may schedule or launch scans at your whim. A right-click menu choice provides more-selective scans of specific files or folders. It also offers integration with Microsoft Outlook for inspecting message attachments that could be carrying dangerous code.

Please note that ClamWin Free Antivirus does not include an on-access real-time scanner. You need to manually scan a file in order to detect a virus or spyware.

Features of ClamWin Antivirus

High detection rates for viruses and spyware
Scanning scheduler
Standalone virus scanner and right-click menu integration to Microsoft Windows Explorer
Addin to Microsoft Outlook to remove virus-infected attachments automatically
Automatic downloads of regularly updated Virus Database

System Requirements and Technical Details

Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10
Processor: Pentium IV or above
Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more

Download: https://geexster.com/en/clamwin-antivirus

The password for Zip file is: 123

Free Download Ableton Live Suite

Jeremygep (14.02.2025 22:49:58)
Overview of Ableton Live Suite
Ableton Live Suite provides everything you need to create music. Whether you prefer a traditional linear arrangement or want to improvise without the constraints of a timeline in Live's Session View, this software lets you move freely between musical elements and play with ideas without stopping the music.

This powerful DAW is suitable for composing, recording, producing, remixing, and performing live. It features a straightforward and intuitive user interface, offering top-quality audio and real-time editing functions. Ableton Live Suite is a stable DAW that is ideal for creatives experimenting and building audio projects.

Key Features of Ableton Live Suite
Professional Production Software: Allows for extensive music production possibilities.
Glue Compressor and EQ Eight: The new Glue Compressor, developed in collaboration with Cytomic, and the enhanced EQ Eight equalizer offer superb sound quality and easy handling.
Audio to MIDI Capabilities: Transform drum breaks with the drums-to-MIDI feature, remix using harmony-to-MIDI, or convert sung melodies, played tunes, or drummed beats into MIDI clips.
Time Warp and Stretch: Allows precise time warping and stretching of audio tracks.
Multitrack Recording: Supports recording at up to 32-bit / 192 kHz.
Instruments: Includes Drum Rack, Impulse, and Simpler instruments.
Effects: Comes with 37 professional audio effects.
Sound Library: Provides 11GB of samples.
VST and AU Support: Compatible with VST and AU plugins.
Cross-Platform: Can be used on both Windows and Mac.
Ableton Link: Collaborate with other musicians on the same project from multiple devices.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating System: Windows 10/11
Processor: Intel or AMD multi-core processor. Intel Core i5 processor or faster is recommended.
RAM: 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
Hard Disk Space: Minimum 3 GB free disk space for installation, more for content libraries.
How to Download and Install Ableton Live Suite
Download: Click on the provided download link to get the Ableton Live Suite installer for Windows.
Install: Open the downloaded installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
Launch: Once installed, launch Ableton Live Suite and start creating music with its powerful tools and effects.
Ableton Live Suite is an essential tool for any music producer or performer. With its comprehensive set of features, professional-grade effects, and seamless integration with various plugins, it stands out as a versatile and powerful DAW. Whether you're performing live, producing in the studio, or collaborating with others, Ableton Live Suite provides the tools you need to bring your musical ideas to life.

Free Download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024

Bennypap (14.02.2025 21:48:54)
Overview of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is connected to the Adobe Document Cloud, making it easier than ever to work across computers and mobile devices. It's the only PDF viewer that can open and interact with all types of PDF content, including forms and multimedia.

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a reimagined desktop version of the world's best PDF solution. With it, you can create, export, edit, and track PDFs from anywhere, staying connected to recent files across all your devices.

One of the standout features of Adobe Reader DC is its ability to work with CAD designs and geospatial maps converted to Portable Document Format. The application also offers a comprehensive file-searching engine that finds any element within a PDF file in seconds.

The Preferences area allows you to modify various settings, including comments, 3D and multimedia, measuring and reading options, and spelling or page unit configurations.

Features of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Clean Feature Lineup: Easy-to-use interface with powerful features.
Supported File Formats and Fast Searches: Efficiently handles various PDF files and quickly locates specific elements.
Security Tools: Protects your documents with advanced security features.
Configuration Settings: Customize settings for comments, multimedia, measurements, and more.
A Top PDF Viewer on the Market: Trusted by millions of users worldwide.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 2 GB or more
How to Download and Install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024
Download: Use the provided direct download or torrent links to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024 installer for Windows.
Install: Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Launch: Open Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and start viewing, signing, commenting on, and sharing your PDFs.
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024 is the ultimate PDF viewer for all your document needs. With its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface, it is perfect for both personal and professional use. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024 today and experience the best PDF solution available.

Robo EX

RoboEx Fap (14.02.2025 21:25:05)

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